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The Mission of the Church

  • The Church is like the "Body of Christ," a special group of people who have God's Spirit living within them. It has a big mission to accomplish, and each believer, who has been born again spiritually, is a valuable part of this amazing community. It's like being part of a grand assembly, a gathering of believers that extends into heaven itself!

We are a part of the Assemblies of God, so we believe that God's purpose for humanity is to seek and save those who are lost, to worship, to build a community of believers who reflect His Son, and to show love and compassion to the world. As part of the Church, our priority is:

  • Spreading the message of God's love worldwide, just as Jesus instructed.

  • Creating a space where people can worship God together.

  • Working towards becoming more like Jesus in our character and actions.

  • Demonstrating God's love and compassion to everyone we encounter.

The Assemblies of God exists to emphasize these purposes by teaching and encouraging believers to experience the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This empowers them to:

  • Share the good news with others, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit and witnessing supernatural signs.

  • Deepen their personal connection with God through worship.

  • Engage in fruitful and impactful ministry, using the spiritual gifts and talents given by the Holy Spirit for the building of the church and the care for the poor and needy, following the example of Jesus.