We live in a time where it is apparent how much we need God to move among us. When we look around it is clear how absent God is from our culture, our families, and world. We need more than just to feel good about things to see actual change! We need to commit ourselves to being transformed by God, praying for transformation in our families, our churches, our city, and our nation as a whole.
What's great is that God has shown us in the bible His plan for changing everything! As Jesus' early disciples followed His teaching and His command to follow the Spirit's guidance, they became totally different people! And every place they went, transformation followed them. They literally changed the future for peoples, nations, and the world at large! It's totally possible for us to follow in this way, obey Jesus' teaching and follow the Holy Spirit, and see a world transforming move of God in our time.
It only took 120 people empowered by the Holy Spirit to come to change the course of history.
I believe that God is going to lead 120 of us here at The Rock Church to commit to seeking transformation for their lives, their families, their church, and their city and nation.
Will you join us?
1. Find a connection group
We are a part of a family that all started with Christ, and His command was for us to love one another. So join a group, be blessed, and be a blessing.
2. Be Empowered
God's Spirit is the breath of our life with Christ. If we want to become more like Him we have to set our minds on Him! We can do this through prayer, fasting, studying the word, and other ways as well. The important thing is, growing in our relationship with God, by understanding Him better and devoting ourselves to Him more. You can click below to find out some of the things we have going on at The Rock that can be a part of you being empowered by God.
3. Be Sent
It's go time! When we are walking with God we are the salt of the earth, and I don't know about y'all but I think salt makes things taste better! It's time for you to make the world around you taste better by finding out how God wants to send you to serve others! Whether that's within the church at times or out in the world at other times, you and I have been called to be a blessing to the world and to go out and make disciples of every nation! That includes ours. Let's do this! Click the button below to find out some opportunities to serve connected to our church.